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No company can afford the luxury of unjustifiable costs. The buzz words today are, quite rightly, added value. And here are just a few of our values that help us to do that.



As trusted advisers it’s our job to see problems, challenges and opportunities through the eyes of our clients, whilst never losing sight of the prevailing legislation and codes of practice.


We truly care about the outcomes of our work and advice.


Accounting firms tend to be distant, living in their own worlds, working at their own pace. PFE is not like that. It’s different, young, modern, fresh … focussing on service delivery to meet every client’s unique requirements.


​​How do you measure responsiveness ? Possibly by content and time. Our aim is to always provide the best possible work in the fastest time.


We are results rather than task or process focussed. Our commitment is to do the best we can to assist our clients achieve their goals.


We are constantly building relationships with our clients and are always open to more ways we can help.


Speed today is of the essence and flexibility is vital to adapt to our ever-changing global environment. Other qualities too are of equal importance. We believe we can add the most value to business entrepreneurs. Here are 12 characteristics that entrepreneurs share in common:
  1. Do what they enjoy

  2. Take what they do seriously

  3. They plan everything

  4. Manage money wisely

  5. Remember it's all about the customer

  6. Get to know their customers​

  7. Get to know their customers

  8. Build a top-notch business team

  9. Become known as an expert

  10. Be accessible

  11. Build a rock-solid reputation

  12. Get involved

  13. Follow-up constantly

"A customer is the most important visitor on our premises; he is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so."
— Mahatma Gandhi
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